Index ( en )

Last modification : 2013/01/26 19:16

  1. What is it ?
  2. Installation and configuration
    1. Installation
    2. How to run MSH
    3. Configuration
  3. Variables
    1. Variables syntax
    2. Setting a variable
    3. Unsetting a variable
    4. Special variables
  4. Syntax
    2. Command syntax
    3. Block structures
      1. if ... then ... else ... fi
      2. case ... in : ... ;; esac
      3. while ... do ... done
      4. until ... do ... done
      5. start ... do ... done
      6. for ... do ... done
      7. goto
      8. backquote `...`
    4. Conditional with && and||
  5. Alias
    1. Setting an alias
    2. Unsetting an alias
  6. Internal commands
    1. addpath: add to PATH
    2. alias: create an alias
    3. bc: the basic calculator
    4. call: run script file
    5. callr: run encrypted script file
    6. cd: change directory
    7. clear: clear screen
    8. env: the environment dump
    9. eval: evaluate string expression
    10. exec: redefine standard stream
    11. exit: quit the shell
    12. expr: the arithmetic expressions evaluator
    13. fc: print the commands history
    14. getch: wait keyboard press
    15. jobs: print running jobs
    16. kill: stop running job
    17. lib:: run external library
    18. print: print the command-line to the screen
    19. prompt: set the command prompt
    20. pwd: print current directory
    21. read: wait for a keyboard input
    22. rem: here it is a comment
    23. run: run external command
    24. set: define a variable
    25. shift: switch command line parameters
    26. system: run external command
    27. test: test arithmetics expression
    28. typeset: another way to set variable
    29. unalias: delete an alias
    30. unset: delete a variable
    31. wait: wait for running command
    32. !: almost like system command



Internal libraries

To go further
