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Variables_syntax ( fr )

Dernière modification : 2013/01/26 19:17

All variables in MSH.EXE are :
  • globals: There are stored into the global environment
  • strings characters: conversions into scalar types are automatically made on demand
A variable names can contains alphanumeric characters (A-Z,a-z,0-9) and the underscore characters (_).
Here are valid names: A, Abc, Z123, A_r2.

It is possible to define arrays. Each item of an array appears separately in the environment.
msh> set A[1]=\"1\" ; set A[2]=\"2\"
msh> print ${A[1]} ${A[2]}
1 2

Variable names are also case sensitives:
msh> A=MAJOR
msh> a=minor
msh> print $A
To get the content of a variable, just add the dollar character ($) before its name.