Help ( en )

Last modification : 2013/01/26 19:19

What about a user login? One of the most basic things a software needs. Spamfilter. Jeesus, why people are over and over reinventing the wheel???


Here is an outline of all the rules of working in TigerWiki .
Click on "Edit" at the top of this screen to see what you have to write to get the things below.
(If you see only "locked Page", to carry out a CHMOD 777 on this file via a software ftp)

The titles use the point of exclamation!




The styles use the simple apostrophe '
Fat and italic

The numbered lists uses hash: #
  1. First
  2. Second
  3. Third

The bulleted lists use star/asterisk *
  • apple
  • pear
  • fish

For HTML code, and all other coding where the formating is important use these special "squiggely" brackets:

     mon texte     

 yes using a different text colour works too 

The external links and the email addresses are recognised automatially.

or through a text between square brackets with a pipe separating the text from the link:
Visit the site of roWiki

Links to the wiki-pages use the square brackets:
Reception&zone=en">The link descrcrition you want|?page=thewikipageyouwanttopointto&zone=en" class="url">Reception

If you want a different text for the link description, but want to refer to a wiki page use "

To display an images inserting the URL of an image you want to see and it is automatically displaying the image

An image with link uses again the pipe in front of the URL

If a page does not exist, it will be created with the first click on its link.
Click on NewPageCreation below and you will be able quite simply to write this new page

... and to insert lines, use four indents:"----"